New to Christianity?
2 Timothy 2:15 (NLT)
Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval.
Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.
Congratulations on making THE BEST decision of your life!
Welcome to God's eternal family!!
The best thing that I have ever done in my life is to search for God with all my heart, because even though I was stubborn and for many years did not accept Him, finding Jesus has been the best thing that could have ever happened to me and my family.
Below are a few things that I wish I had known the moment that I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
First, know that you can literally pray for ANYTHING, and prayer can do ANYTHING that God can do! You can even pray for things like self-control (I pray for that, patience, and supernatural love for myself and for others often). Praying daily for a supernatural increase of the 9 fruits of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23) is a GREAT strategy to become more and more the way we were made to be -- like the image of God (see 1 Peter 1:13-17)
Also know this: if you are not moving forward with the Lord daily in your spiritual walk, you are inevitably moving backwards into your old self and into the ways of the world. There is no middle ground.
As Christians there are 2 main concepts that keep us on the correct path toward Jesus:
1) The LOVE of God. This is easy to see and we can find many scriptures talking about this. For just a few examples, see 1 John 4:15-17 and 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
2) The FEAR of God. This is what probably the majority of Christians (at least in the US) are lacking, but it is VITAL to our success as Christians. Jesus delighted in the Fear of the Lord! That means we should too!! But many people do not understand what this means. I wish I had a firm grasp of this from the moment I became a Christian, because my walk with the Lord would have grown so much faster and I would have avoided SO MANY problems. For a deep dive into this topic, I cannot recommend highly enough the book, "The Awe of God" by John Bevere. It is simple to understand and is a 6 week study with only 4 pages per day. Anyone can make it through it. Do yourself a giant favor and CHECK IT OUT!!! Better yet, study and talk about it with others.
Lastly, below are some links to great content that EVERY new believer should know. I encourage you to take your time and think about these things. Pray that God would help you understand and follow Him to the best of your ability.